Outlook On Time In Later Years

Time keeps moving forward constantly. Time tends to carry us along no matter what. A friend said to me the other day:

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could STOP time or at least SLOW it down.”

I replied: “I’m sorry, but we can’t stop or slow time down. Look at that clock on the wall, notice the second hand move through one minute, that pace continues and does NOT STOP!”

My friend is 60 years old, he couldn’t believe that age was here already, and before he knows it, 60 will become 70!


Our days go by swiftly, they come and go, never again to see even one of those past days again.


My friend spoke again:

“I wish time would let somethings REMAIN!”



To me, later years are a time of losses. We lose our contemporaries, we lose our physical appearance, we lose our health, we lose our time, and our enthusiasm wanes. So, we live in resignation, accepting our age, with reluctance, and what we no longer have.


But there is light in the tunnel, we realize at least we are still ALIVE! Having good humour is the answer. I laugh to myself when I look at the liver spots on the backs of my hands. We create euphemisms, older instead of old, senior citizen is the one I use.

I feel young in my head, but then I look into the mirror. Who is that!


The thing that keeps me going is my writing, in which I enjoy researching different subjects for my blog and novels. This tends to overcome the restrictions imposed on my body by old age. The sage, Seneca, called old age an incurable disease. Come on, let’s get a cure! Ha, ha.


Is there a bright side to all of this?

Well, I love to reminisce about when I was a young man. I know I’m taking refuge in the past but it is good escapism. There is research that old people who reminisce a lot tend to live longer than those who don’t.


But, I try to live in the present as much as possible. It has been said, that hope for the future affects a person’s quality of life in the present. Older people tend to lose hope and that diminishes their present. But most senior citizens can readjust and make their existence worthwhile by resigning themselves to what is lost and making the most of what remains.


So, the overall picture is NOT as bleak as it seems. A lot of older people retain enough hope to consider life worthwhile well into their eighties. If you’ve got fairly good health and are financially secure, and have a passionate interest, you can look forward to quite a few good years


Old age happiness can be achieved with a combination of resignation and a commitment to living in the present and a perception that life is still good.

I will end with a joke that is true:

The only thing worse than growing old is BEING OLD!


Also published on Medium.

7 thoughts on “Outlook On Time In Later Years

  1. Most of my friends are in their eighties. They are also busy. They are performers. Singers and actors. I’m “the kid” because i’m only 78. I am the president of one club and a participant in 3 others. My daughter wonders how I can have so much energy. Truthfully, I think I’m running so I can stay ahead of the ultimate future. I am enjoying everyday. Yes, I have all the aches and pains that my age brings about. I use my cane to maintain my balance. I walk slower but my mind still goes 100 miles per hour. I’m happy. And I refer to myself as
    ” the old trimer”. The Gabby Hayes of Tamarac Florida.

  2. Yes, I’ve often wished there were a closet or a cave where we could go to recover from the hectic world…where time stands still. Then when ready, we can rejoin society refreshed and ready for a new challenge. Wouldn’t that be great!?

  3. Good choice of blogpost,Dave !

    My oldest FB friend just turned 89 …still energetic & an inspiration….

    My next-door neighbour will be 92 in a few days …still driving,rambling & coping ! I feel I’m not allowed to be an #oldie at a mere rising 77 !….lol

    We lost Emma Murano recently at 117 …wonderful obits…she hadn’t left her flat for 20 yrs…& turned down all flu-jabs !!

    Keep up the good work,Dave !

  4. I am amazed at how much potential older people have. Those
    who live the longest are the ones who are active. My parents
    were in a bad car accident on the 4th of April. My father died
    and my mother has many broken bones. It will take her a long
    time to get better. But she says dad is in a better place and
    is in no pain. She is the strongest person I know. At the care
    center she is in, she smiles and has such a positive attitude.
    My mom and dad are 87. Thanks for the great blog.

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